myconvento Knowledge Base Have a Question? Search for: General information 1. Licence-Management and administration 2. Changelog 1. First Steps 1. First Steps 2. Data import 3. Master data 2. My Data / Contacts 1. Expert questions “My data” 2. How to create new contacts 3. How to find your contacts 4. Excursus: Roles 5. How to edit contacts and roles 6. Create, search, edit and delete a company 1 2 vor ࠥ 3. Research 1. Expert questions: “Research” 2. Media Intelligence 3. Classic ࠣ 4. Storydriver 1. Introduction 2. First Steps with your StoryDriver 3. Search and create ideas 4. Manage content in the editorial plan 5. Publish content 6. Organization: tasks and campaigns ࠢ 5. Newsroom 1. How to create and publish messages 2. How to manage contact persons and boilerplates 3. My Newsroom ࠙ 6. Dispatch 1. Expert questions “Dispatch” 2. Templates 3. Creating and managing dispatch jobs 4. Premium: Create shipping order with the drag & drop editor 5. Premium: Earned Media Resonance 6. Dispatch reports 1 2 vor ࠡ 7. Events 1. Expert questions “Events” 2. How to create events 3. The dialog form 4. Data synchronisation 5. Invitation to the event ࠖ 8. Clipmanager 1. Introduction 2. Configure: Edit and manage KPIs, topics and projects 3. Create and edit Clippings 4. Analysis of Clippings 5. How to create your press review ࠡ 9. Mediacenter 1. How to manage content in your Mediacenter