In this article we would like to answer questions going beyond the regular workflow. This question/answer catalogue is continuously updated and helps you to gain expert knowledge for “events” and to avoid mistakes.
Q: How can I connect an event to a disptach?
A: There are several possibilities: The easiest way to connect it is to insert content from the event when creating the mailing order in step 1 (“Format and content”) via “Content”-“Add content”-“event” or to place a (personalized) link in the mail.
The second possibility is: Mark the campaign after creating it in the list and select “dispatch job” under “Options”. You will get to “Dispatch” and can create a new dispatch. In the body text of the email you will then already see the key data of the campaign (title, city, date, time, address as well as any explanatory text if you have inserted it under events).
However, you can also link the campaign with an already sent message afterwards by checking the desired eventin “Events” and selecting “Link to dispatch job” via Options. All recipients of the sent message (including those linked afterwards) will then become “non-reactors”, which you can also link again.
Q: How can I send a reminder to non-reactors?
A: Open the desired campaign and switch to the tab “Not responding”. There, select “Send reminder to non-reactors again” via “Options”. The “Dispatch” section will appear and you can customize the mail; the non-reactors are now automatically selected as recipients.