The Clipmanager

4. Analysis of Clippings

last updated on Jun 13. 2022

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If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. This principle also applies to your clippings. That’s why Clipmanager offers you an analysis tool that gives you a full overview of your clippings: Which projects are currently running, how many clippings have already been edited, which tonality you have, etc. Here we show you how to perform analyses with your Clipmanager:

Example of an analysis 

If you click on the Clipmanager via the navigation bar, you will get to the following overview:

To perform an analysis, click the Analysis button in the bar at the top right.

Now you are in the Analysis menu. Here you select the clippings you want to analyze. You have the following options:

  • Publication date from/to: In this module you search for the period in which the clippings were published. With a click in the empty line the selection menu appears. Here you first select the beginning and then the end of the desired period. To display the result of the search, simply click the Analyze button.
  • Created on from/to: Here you select the period when you created the clippings. The further processes are the same as above. 


  • And/Or search: You can select the And/Or search at the top left via the Search type button. With the And/Or search, you can combine different parameters such as “Headline”, “Medium” or even “Topics” with an and or or in a search. This allows you to search for relevant parameters in a targeted manner. To display the result of the search, simply click on the Analyze button.

The Evaluation

Now the results of your analysis are displayed in an overview. The displayed categories range from the tonality over the projects to the different countries of publication of the clippings. In addition to these categories, an overview of your KPIs and their evaluations for your clippings is displayed on the right side of the page. 

Useful: You can download the analysis via the Excel Download button marked in red in the image and, for example, insert it into a management summary.