On this page we inform you about the most important program enhancements or changes for each update.
Update on 10.03.2023
The following changes and features will be available with the update on 29.01.2021:
- Administration: the modules “Newsroom” and “Mediacenter” are now separated on “rights level”; those who are not allowed to use the Newsroom can still work with the Mediacenter.
My Data
- Contacts: If a search is made for a person but the person is not found, the search information entered is automatically entered when the contact is created.
- Contacts: If client management is activated, client assignment can be performed directly from the hit list.
Two options are available for this purpose:
1) Replace with current selection: the clients entered overwrite the previously existing clients of the selected contacts.
2) Add by current selection: the entered clients are written to the selected contacts in addition to the previously existing ones. - Companies: When editing / merging company duplicates, the location can now be taken into account in addition to the name, if required.Companies: When editing / merging company duplicates, the location can now be taken into account in addition to the name, if required.Companies: When editing / merging company duplicates, the location can now be taken into account in addition to the name, if required.
- Companies: Companies of different types can be combined (e.g. as part of the duplicate cleanup).
- Companies: A change to the company type does not affect the information in the contained roles (position, department, etc.).
- The analysis in the clip manager can now also be created on the basis of the “watch list”.
- No changes.
Settings: Under “Logo”, the logo stored in the administration or a separately uploaded logo can be used. This logo is now also displayed in the downloadable PDF versions of newsroom messages.
Newsroom-messages: Text can be entered directly into the HTML editor. The plain text field is no longer a required field.
- HTML Editor: Folder management in the HTML Editor has been improved.
- No changes.
- If a file is needed e.g. in several folders, it can now be copied and moved accordingly.
- The new field “External Asset ID” is available for files.
- Folders can be sorted by their title in ascending or descending order.
- Dispatch reports are now available via Excel download in addition to the print view.
Update on 02.12.2022
The following changes and features will be available with the update on 02.12.2022:
- Dashboard: Each user can select his status in the blue toolbar on the dashboard. So it is visible for all logged in users who is reachable or e.g. in an online session. Further statuses can be created in the administration under “Online statuses”. A statistic is kept about these statuses, which can be viewed under “My account”.
The statistics of all users can be viewed by an admin in the administration. - Administration: If a new Dispatch account is created, an email is sent to the specified sender address.
This contains a randomly generated code, which must be entered to verify the shipping account. This ensures that only existing e-mail addresses are set up as shipping accounts, and only those to which you have access.
My Data
- Contacts: When creating/editing actions, a reminder for follow up actions can be set. The agent will then receive a reminder email on the “due date”.
- Contacts: if the date of an action is in the future, it will automatically be set to “Follow up”.
- Contacts: Group actions can be more easily assigned to the respective participants.
- Contacts: When exporting contacts to Excel, it can be determined whether the country should be listed in written form or as an iso abbreviation.
- Contacts: A pencil icon can be used to blacklist a contact’s e-mail addresses directly or to edit/delete the blacklist entry.
- Contacts: When creating a new person record, the system now automatically searches via the sources “My data/ pressbase DACH/ pressbase WELT” (if licensed) to see if this person has already been created/exists.
- “Projects” becomes “Main topics”; below this there are upper and lower topics, which simplify editing and assignment.
- Media Intelligence: Filtering for “Local reporting area” is possible with the help of a city or a postal code area.
- Media Intelligence: Author and medium including address data can be imported into “My Data”. The medium is not imported if it already exists in “My Data”.
- Classic: Especially in pressbase WELT, correspondents can now be found without specifying a topic.
- More fields have been added to the contact form.
- Drag&Drop Editor: Text fields can be opened in a pop-up window for better editing. The “Save” button can be used to apply the changes.
- Drag&Drop Editor: Simplified working with images for multiple language versions: An image file can now be easily transferred to additional language versions.
- Drag&Drop Editor: The “RSS Feed” block under “Content” allows easier integration of RSS feeds into your e-mail.
- Drag&Drop Editor: The “Menu” block can now be used to integrate horizontal or vertical menus into the e-mail. There is a choice of menu types and various design options.
- Recipient lists: Smart lists can be customized in step 2 of the dispatch creation. This way, changes can still be made to mail addresses or new recipients can be added.
- Within the responses of an event, all form fields can be filtered. Thus the answers can be filtered e.g. after certain options of a single selection. These filters can also be saved and reused.
- If the maximum number of participants of an event is reached, the number of registration attempts since then is displayed.
Update on 20.05.2022
The following changes and features will be available with the update on 20.05.2022:
My Data
- Smartlists: “Search for contacts” lets you search for contacts across smartlists based on first names, last names, and email addresses.
- Companies: Unused media data fields can be hidden.
- Contacts: “Last articles” and “Topics” are now also shown for authors who have been imported from pressbase into My Data.
- The modules pressbase DACH and PLUS have been merged to “pressbase / Media Intelligence + Classic” -> see also our notes in the update announcement!
- The details of a completed dispatch order show which template was used.
- Completed dispatch orders can now be deleted cumulatively via “Options”-“Delete over period” (provided they are older than 2 years).
- Drag&Drop Editor: The “Track Clicks” button allows the analysis of clicks on image links.
- Accompanying persons are taken into account when limiting participants and are counted as participants.
Update on 26.11.2021
“”The following changes and features will be available with the update on 26.11.2021:
- An email with the warning “Logging in to new device” will be sent when logging in for the first time. Every user will receive this email initially and then only when logging in from another device.
- Dashboard: On the dashboard under “Memory usage”-“Shipping volume”, the shipping volume of past months can also be viewed by scrolling.
- Dashboard: Under “Customize Page”, the new “Searches” section can now be added as a widget on the dashboard.
This makes it possible, for example, to display directly on the start page (with the appropriate research) which data was last checked a year ago.
year ago (search: “Checked on – Date calculated – Older than – 1 – year”). - Dashboard: the quick search has been simplified and allows searching by first and last name without having to respect a certain punctuation.
- Administration: under “Rights” new user rights can be assigned. For example, it can be determined whether embedded pictures can be used or whether keywords can be edited. Other user rights get new default values, so that changes to blacklist and keywords as well as access to the dispatch evaluations and master data have to be allowed first.
My Data
- In the personal or company data record, more clarity can be gained in the “Keywords” area by clicking the “Hide empty keyword fields” button.
- The following options can be activated by customer support at your request:
Duplicate avoidance when importing data: when importing from Excel, there is now the option, after selecting a few criteria, to prevent people/roles from being imported that already exist in “My Data“. Already existing duplicates will be overwritten with the more current data in case of differing or missing communication/address data.Block list: If a data subject explicitly requests deletion of his/her data, this process must be traceable, secured against re-entry or re-import, but still reversible (in case of a change of mind). If we enable this option for you, each deleted record will be placed on a blacklist. This combination of first name, last name and email address cannot then be re-created or re-imported.
- The Mediacenter is now a separate section and detached from the “Newsroom” module. It is the second icon from the right in the navigation bar.
- Mediacenter:
“Upload new version” allows updating an already existing file. The link and ID are retained. - When uploading image files to the media library, thumbnails are also created automatically. Via “Download” the original file or one of 3 thumbnails can be downloaded.
- Files can be placed on a watch list (e.g. via drag&drop) and then edited, added to collections, downloaded or deleted.
- PDFs can be viewed directly in a browser preview.
- An And/Or search can be used to view files across folders.
- Drafts and templates can be sorted by creation date, e.g. to easily delete the oldest drafts.
- When uploading to the myconvento file system, the name of the file is checked. It is not possible to upload multiple files with identical names.
- When selecting images from the mediacenter, one of the 3 created thumbnails can also be selected.
- Drag&Drop Editor: A new button (link button) is available as an alternative to the regular button.
- Drag&Drop Editor: TikTok has been added to the social follow icons.
- Via “New individual layout“, a new editor is now available for the layout templates, which offers extensive design options. Templates that were created earlier (by Convento) are still available for selection, but cannot be edited in the new editor for technical reasons.
- A preview of the dialog form layouts is possible via a corresponding button.
- If the maximum number of participants of an event has been reached, it is now possible to fade in an individual text. This can be used, for example, to refer to another event or to name a responsible contact.
- An individual text can be stored, which is displayed when the registration period for an event has expired.
- In the list of events, an event can be selected and merged with up to 4 other events to form an overview using the “Merge responses” option. The responses of the different events are highlighted in color.
- In the email to the event owner, the name of the event is now also displayed in the email subject.
- A QR code can be inserted in the confirmation email, which the organizer can use on site to match the registrations in the event (registration with myconvento required for this).
- If Clipmanager and Pressbase PLUS are subscribed, own texts can be searched in the Clipmanager and found articles can be saved as clippings by mouse click.
Update on 25.06.2021
My Data
- When deleting a role, it is possible to select differentiated which contents of the history should be transferred to another role.
- Birthday reminder: Via a new widget on the dashboard, registered birthdays of contacts can be displayed.
- Pressbase DACH: The Excel export now also checks publication frequency, circulation/calls, IVW and takes media genres into account.
- Drag&Drop Editor: Via the “Newsroom” module, you have access to the files that are already assigned to a “Newsroom” message. This eliminates the need to reselect these files in the dispatch.
- Drag&Drop Editor: Icons for text formatting (bold, italic, underlined) are available in the text editor.
Update on 16.04.2021
- The limitation of the password length has been removed.
My Data
- Data import/export: Information about the use of data according to DSGVO has been added
- The blacklist entries of a person can be viewed and edited directly in the detailed view of the person via “Options”-“Manage blacklist entries”.
- A contact can be set to “Inactive” in the data record if this contact is not reachable for a certain period of time; if
the specified date is reached, this contact will automatically be set to “active” again. - Several smart lists can be marked at the same time and deleted in one step.
- Pressbase World: Search results can be assigned to an existing Pressbase World distribution list.
- Pressbase World: The media profile can be called up directly via an icon (next to the name of the medium).
- Pressbase DACH: The STAMM publishing house is automatically informed about undeliverable mail addresses of Pressbase data and updates them accordingly in a timely manner.
- Pressbase PLUS: Optimizations and additional search options. More information can be found here under “Worth knowing”.
- Mediacenter: Multiple files can be marked and moved collectively to another folder.
- Mediacenter: Information such as copyright information or tags/keywords can be set for all marked files in one step.
- In the newsroom, the visibility of the portrait images for this area can be adjusted via “Content elements”-“Contacts”.
- “Content”-“Insert Content”-“Events” contains the new button “Calendar Entry”, which can be used to generate a link to a vcs.file. Thus, the event period including the framework data can be directly transferred to the calendar.
Update on 29.01.2021
The following changes and features will be available with the update on 29.01.2021:
- The HTML versions of the deposited binders can now be edited comfortably with functions from the mail dispatch.
The right can be assigned specifically to be able to carry out data imports.
Master data: A search allows the targeted finding and editing/correcting of entries within a category.
My Data
The quick search, which can be called up via the magnifying glass icon (top right), has been expanded to include the item “E-mail” and an optional full text search has been added.
For the company, all distribution lists are displayed to which employees of this company are assigned.
In the hit lists, columns can be moved as desired via drag & drop or configuration button (also in.
Pressbase PLUS: Searches saved as “Dashboard Searches” can be saved on a user-specific basis.
Columns in the hit lists can be moved as desired by drag&drop or configuration button.
Mediacenter: When uploading a file, you can specify whether it should be displayed publicly or not.
Premium Dispatch: The dialog for the Earned Media function has been revised so that text and keywords can be entered more quickly. This dialog has been moved to the first step when creating a Dispatch.
A QR code can be placed in the confirmation email, which calls up detailed information about the campaign.
Via “Reports“-“More Reports“-“Send” the item “Blacklist” can now be called up. This allows you to compare the number of blacklist entries per Dispatch.
Update on 21.08.2020
Folgende Änderungen und Features stehen Ihnen mit dem Update am 21.08.20 zur Verfügung:
- The administrator can determine whether a user can see all existing searches or only his own.
- Premium dispatch: “Show only Drag&Drop Editor” can be activated in the administration; the HTML editor is hidden.
- Dashboard: Searches can be saved individually per user in the news ticker
My Data
- For correct filling of the import template, ISO lists for countries, states and languages can now be downloaded directly in the import dialog.
- The import template contains all fields of the person details. Company keywords can also be defined directly during import.
- Additional Internet fields (TicTok, Wechat, WhatsApp, Snapchat) are available in the person details.
- Duplex can be set when entering a person and in hit lists for several persons at the same time
- Contacts can be synchronized with a data set from pressbase DACH. If the content of a field is transferred, this data record is linked to pressbase and is displayed accordingly (dark blue)
- With one of the next updates, pressbase searches can only be saved for ONE main topic. With this update, you will already receive notification messages if a search is created for no or more than one main topic. This restriction should help you to provide the recipients with the correct information.
- Sending to pressbase recipients is limited to 5000 per shipment.
- A search in pressbase PLUS can now be saved with the option “Show on Dashboard
- Already in the overview of pressbase searches/distributions they can be renamed or assigned to a (different) group
- A new column A-Z allows easier navigation through the hit list
- There are unique and separate options for creating pressbase searches and distribution lists
- Request for approval or translation of a message can be sent to multiple contacts.
- It can be set whether all images of the media library should be displayed in the newsroom under “Downloads” or only images of a certain folder.
- In the overview of completed dispatch orders, the content of a dispatch can be transferred to a newsroom message via “Options
- HTML and text editor can now be selected individually under “New dispatch” – “Select template or draft”.
- Also in EarnedMedia media can now be assigned to a blacklist.
Media are not considered when searching for online publications. - Premium dispatch: the requirements for the search in “Earned Media” can be entered when creating the dispatch order.
- PDF documents can be provided for download in the campaign form.
- A link can be included in the confirmation e-mail to transfer the date of the event to the Outlook calendar.
- When exporting the campaign responses, the sum of all participants is shown. The number of substitutions is listed separately.
- The display of a selected period for the comparison of shipping orders has been optimized
Update on 03.04.2020
The following changes and features are available with the update on 03.04.20
- Every user is asked to enter his phone number when logging in. This is required so that we can reach you in important support matters.
- A list of all users can be downloaded in Excel format.
My Data
- When removing rolls from a distribution list, it is now also shown how many rolls are removed from the list.
- In “Actions” you can specify multiple search terms when searching for specific actions.
- The system remembers whether you have last searched for persons or companies. So when you call up “Contacts” again, the search field last used will be displayed.
- Inactive roles are now displayed in gray for the company.
Roles can now also be set inactive for the company or moved to other companies.
- With one of the next updates, pressbase searches can only be saved for ONE main topic. With this update, you will already receive notification messages if a search is created for no or more than one main topic.
This restriction should help you to provide the recipients with the correct information.
Sending to pressbase recipients is limited to 5000 per shipment.
- No Changes
- In order to very easily send a new mailing to the same group of recipients, a smart list can be generated from the recipient list of the “deliverable”.
- Notes can be stored with the respective recipients after a dispatch.
- The program remembers whether you have tracked links recently or not and keeps this setting.
- In the field “dispatch note” you can see when a contact was marked as “bounced” by which user.
- If you select the individual evaluations for tracking clicks, first name and surname are now displayed next to the mail address.
If you use individual evaluations for your dispatch, you can search for “Open”, “Clicked” and “Unsubscribed” in the overview of the completed dispatch order. - Premium dispatch: For completed dispatch orders, the “Earned Media” section shows which media published the message. Under Reports, texts can be uploaded and checked for publication (e.g. if they were sent as PDF attachments).
- Premium Dispatch: A “Drag&Drop Editor” is available, which allows easy creation of responsive HTML mails. The editor is designed so that the responsive behavior is not lost, even if content is removed, added or modified. Videos and buttons can also be integrated without HTML knowledge. Save your designs as layouts/drafts for future shipping orders.
- With regard to the DSGVO, there is now a checkbox for confirmation in the campaign form when entering an accompanying person/representation. Without this, the accompanying person/representation cannot be entered.
- The confirmation emails can now be formatted using the HTML editor.
- After creating a dispatch order which is linked to a campaign, a reminder can be created directly in the overview of waiting dispatch orders. This reminder considers all non-reactors of the initial dispatch.
- Campaign responses are re-sorted after updates. So if a contact has registered to start a campaign, his response is relatively far down in the response list. But if this contact now logs off, the list is updated and the logoff appears with the current answers.
- No changes
Update on 11.10.2019
The following changes and features are available with the update on 11.10.19
- Users can now be given the right to change or delete shipping templates.
- The list of users assigned to a shipping account is now sorted by last name
- A new right determines if keywords can be edited freely or if a predefined entry has to be selected from a drop down list
- If searches (My Data) are carried out using various keywords, it is visible in the master data in which searches which keywords are used.
My Data
- Contacts can now be searched for in the distribution list using your e-mail address.
- When editing a smartlist, an e-mail address can now be transferred directly to the blacklist via “Options”.
- In the personal data record a personal dossier can be downloaded via “Options” (for information according to DSGVO). Here you can determine which sections should appear in the dossier. An own logo can be inserted (via Administration -> Own logo).
- No Changes
- No Changes
- The creation of the e-mail is now in the first step of “Send” and can be saved as a draft for later editing.
- A completed dispatch can be sent to individual recipients later without having to create a new dispatch list or a new dispatch order.
- Completed and “waiting” dispatches can now be searched for using a new input field.
- Users can only edit a shipping order if they also have the used shipping account. For administrators this restriction no longer applies.
- The colored diagrams from the overview of a completed shipping order are now also included in the corresponding shipping report.
- A dispatch template can be defined as a “default template”. After that, it is available in a preselection when creating a new shipment.
- If no plain text is created for a multipart e-mail, a version is automatically created which contains a link to the browser view of the HTML version.
- Contacts from searches (My Data) and distribution lists can be edited and notes can be stored in the recipient overview. Pressbase contacts can be imported.
- Premium dispatch: The import of Word documents is now selective if desired. Selected areas of the document can be marked and imported to the desired location.
- The bookmark “Show entries” transfers the information in the registration form to the confirmation mail.
- The Excel export of the answers to a campaign now also contains the column “Date of modification”.
- If you click on the plus symbol of a campaign in the overview, the note is visible. Useful if several campaigns have the same name.
- No Changes