
5. Premium: Earned Media Resonance

last updated on May 19. 2022

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  4.  | 5. Premium: Earned Media Resonance

A further highlight of the premium dispatch is the “Earned Media Resonance”:
Under “Reports” and in the mail order archive you can now access the online articles that we have found as a response to your mailing.

The search for online articles in the DACH region is carried out by artificial intelligence. Once you have selected the matching rate and the respective dispatch order, the search is carried out according to name, products, company name, keywords, the most frequently used words, etc.

Found corresponding articles are listed in an overview (including the URLs) and can be downloaded via Excel export. Click on “Feedback” if you are missing an article and have the corresponding URL.

The authors or media of the found articles do NOT have to be included in the distribution list you have written to!