The Storydriver

6. Organization: tasks and campaigns

last updated on May 30. 2022

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Learn how to organize yourself in a team, create and assign tasks, and create content for specific campaigns.


  1. In Storydriver, you can create tasks both directly in the editorial plan overview for the corresponding content and in the content itself under the “Tasks” item.
  2. Create a task by specifying a title and a description for the task.
  3. Under ,,Tasks”-,,Tasklist” you will find the ,,Task management (Tasklist)”. Here you can see all the tasks of your team. You can also see your own tasks in the ,,Overview” of the Storydriver.
  4. The ,,Kanban-Board” is an alternative representation of your task management. Here you can move and order tasks by status, or you can click on the task and change the status.
  1. Under “Campaigns” you can display the campaigns you have created, either the active ones or “all”. In addition, you can filter here according to a predefined period. 
  2. You can create and delete campaigns in the “Administration” under “Campaigns”.
  3. You create the campaign by specifying a name and a start and end date. You can also assign various stored topics to the campaign.
  4. You can create different contents for this campaign and assign them to the campaign under “Metadata”.



    You can create a new task in the editorial plan at the corresponding content via the green plus symbol. You can see existing tasks here.

    Under ,,Tasks”-,,Tasklist” your tasks are listed. You can also create a new task here using the green plus symbol. 

    Under ,,Tasks”-,,Kanban-Board” you can see your tasks sorted by status. You can move them to assign them to a new status.

    You can also adjust the status in the task list.


    You can assign a task to a content and view it in the content under ,,Tasks”. 


    You create a new campaign in the “administration”. Here you need a name, start and end date.

    You can edit and delete the campaign in the “administration”.


    Click on a content and select the ,,Metadata” to assign the content to a campaign.

    Under ,,Campaigns” you can see which content and content ideas you have created for this campaign.

    Worth knowing

    • In your task list you can view a “calendar” and see at a glance when the tasks will reach their due date.
    • Using the “funnel” icon you can filter the tasks and define whose tasks you want to see (e.g. only your own).
    • Customize your table to show only the columns that are relevant to you.
    • Under “Options” you can download your configured task list via Excel